Gold Award revalidations presented

January 23, 2025

The Defence Employer Recognition Scheme (ERS) Gold Award revalidation dinner took place at The Black Watch Castle and Museum in Perth on 16 January.

The evening saw four organisations in the Highland RFCA area presented with their 2024 Award certificates. Both the ERS Gold and Silver Awards are reviewed and revalidated on a rolling five-year basis.

Aberdeenshire Council, IED Training Solutions Ltd, Knockhill Racing Circuit, and West Dunbartonshire Council were all first awarded Gold in 2019 and revalidated in 2024.

The Award from the Ministry of Defence is in recognition of the ongoing support the organisations give to the Armed Forces community, recognising the positive role employers play in supporting Defence and inspiring others to do the same. Gold is the highest badge of honour for supporting the Armed Forces community.

Councillor Ron McKail (right) collected Aberdeenshire Council's revalidation from Surgeon Commander Rob O'Donnell. Ron is the Council's Armed Forces Champion.

Councillor Ron McKail (right) collected Aberdeenshire Council’s revalidation from Surgeon Commander Rob O’Donnell.

Ian Clark (right) and Hugh Jones from IED Training Ltd with Surgeon Commander Rob O'Donnell.

Ian Clark (right) and Hugh Jones (left) collected IED Training Ltd’s Award from Surgeon Commander Rob O’Donnell.

The organisations have all been powerful advocates for the Armed Forces Covenant over the past five years, actively engaging with their peers, encouraging them to employ Armed Forces personnel, Veterans, and their families, and providing robust and sustained support for Reservists.

The Armed Forces Covenant is a promise from the nation that those who serve or have served in the Armed Forces, and their families, are treated fairly.

There are now more than 1,000 organisations that hold Gold Awards. The Scheme is delivered by Defence Relationship Management.

Stuart Gray (right) collected the Gold Award on behalf of Knockhill Racing Circuit from Surgeon Commander Rob O'Donnell.

Stuart Gray (right) collected the Award on behalf of Knockhill Racing Circuit from Surgeon Commander Rob O’Donnell.

Alison McBride and Lisa MacGregor (right) from West Dunbartonshire council with Surgeon Commander Rob O'Donnell.

Alison McBride and Lisa MacGregor (right) collected the Award on behalf of West Dunbartonshire Council from Surgeon Commander Rob O’Donnell.

The revalidation dinner saw certificates awarded to representatives from the four organisations. These were presented by the Commanding Officer of HMS Scotia, Surgeon Commander Rob O’Donnell RNR. Commander O’Donnell also spoke about the value and benefits of Reserve service to the Armed Forces, the individual and to employer organisations.

He said: “I’d like to thank all of you for not only achieving your Employer Recognition Scheme Gold Awards, but also for maintaining them. As employers you are pivotal in the relationship between Defence and our Reservists. Without the guarantee of support from employers such as yourself it is difficult to expect our people to have the confidence to mobilise and serve their country.

“Thank you for your continued support of our Armed Forces.”

Also in attendance, along with Highland RFCA Regional Employer Engagement Directors Roy McLellan and Ray Watt, was Major Donald Urquhart, Officer Commanding 527 Headquarters Squadron, 154 (Scottish) Regiment Royal Logistic Corps.

Representing the employer organisations were: Aberdeenshire Council – Councillor Ron McKail (Deputy Provost and Armed Forces Champion); IED Training – Ian Clark (Managing Director) and Hugh Jones (Consultant); Knockhill Racing Circuit – Stuart Gray (Director) and Kay Gray; West Dunbartonshire Council – Alison McBride (Strategic People and Change Manager) and Lisa MacGregor (People and Change Partner).

Guests in the First World War room at The Black Watch Castle and Museum in Perth.

Guests enjoyed pre-dinner drinks in the First World War room at The Black Watch Castle and Museum.

Nine organisations in the HRFCA-area received ERS Gold Awards in 2024. Awards were presented to the new winners at The Black Watch Castle and Museum in November.

Nationally, nearly 200 organisations were recognised in 2024 for supporting the Armed Forces community.

Jim Savege, Aberdeenshire Council Chief Executive, said: “Aberdeenshire Council is proud to have successfully retained the Gold Award following revalidation. This Award recognises our commitment to the Armed Forces Covenant and to the Armed Forces community as well as our advocacy among the business community. It also demonstrates our commitment towards our employees who are Reservists, Veterans, Cadet Force Adult Volunteers, spouses, partners and the young people in our schools who are from the Armed Forces community. We place high value in retaining this Award.”

Ian Clark, Managing Director of IED Training Solutions Ltd, said: “IED Training Solutions Ltd are proud and delighted that we have secured a five-year revalidation for our exceptional support to the Armed Forces community. The revalidation acknowledges the organisation’s long-term commitment to the Armed Forces community and highlights the sustained support to implementing Forces-friendly initiatives into the business.”

Stuart Gray, Director of Knockhill Racing Circuit, said: “The whole team at Knockhill Racing Circuit are delighted that our Gold Award status has been renewed for a further five years. Our commitment to all those in the Forces and Veterans is unwavering and we are honoured to play our small part in paying homage and saying thank you to those who serve our country. It is obvious that this is required and is more necessary now than in recent decades, and we will continue to play our part for the next five years and beyond.”

Councillor Martin Rooney, Leader of West Dunbartonshire Council, said: “I’m delighted our Gold Award revalidation has been successful. This achievement underlines the Council’s commitment to supporting our Armed Forces personnel and strengthens our broad offer to Veterans and their families.

“In addition to the Gold Award, the Council offers Armed Forces peer support groups, housing advice and homes through our Armed Forces Pathway and a commitment to any other required support through the Armed Forces Covenant. We take seriously our responsibility to guarantee that our Armed Forces personnel, past and present, and their families, continue to receive the care and support they are entitled to, and we are more determined than ever to explore new opportunities to improve their lives.”

Find out more about the Employer Recognition Scheme.
