Highland Gold Network meets

October 21, 2024

Highland RFCA’s Highland Gold Network (HGN) met on 18 September to once again share best practice in advocacy and support for the Armed Forces.

The meeting was held at Fife Medical Group’s offices in Lochgelly. Fife Medical Group was awarded a Defence Employer Recognition Scheme (ERS) Gold Award in 2023.

The meeting was the largest to date since the network’s formation in 2022.

The Highland Gold Network meeting with participants in the room and those who joined virtually.

The meeting was held at Fife Medical Group’s Lochgelly premises.

Topics covered included a discussion on Mentorship Partnering that would involve linking HGN members with 2025 Gold applicants in order to provide advice and advocacy support. Highland RFCA Regional Employer Engagement Director Ray Watt also updated the members on the Service Cadet criteria relating to ERS Awards.

Member updates followed before there was a presentation from Fife Medical Group’s Michael Braid, outlining his organisation’s journey to becoming a member of the Highland Gold Network.

The next meeting will take place at Forth Valley Chamber of Commerce in Stirling.

A Fife Medical Group vehicle displaying the Armed Forces Covenant and Defence Employer Recognition Scheme logos.

One of the Fife Medical Group vehicles displaying the Armed Forces Covenant and ERS Award logos.

■ The Highland Gold Network consists of the 48 current Gold Employer Recognition Scheme employers in the HRFCA-area of responsibility. The aim of the group is to advocate for defence people, while sharing best practice and ideas, and to encourage and mentor Bronze and Silver employers to gain Gold status. The group, formed in 2022, meets quarterly in a hybrid format.

The Chair is Sharon Faulkner. Sharon is the Head of HR, IT and Organisational Development at Angus Council. Ian Clark from IED Training Solutions is Deputy Chair.

Find out more about the Highland Gold Network.

10 Fife Medical Group ambulances in a line.

Some of Fife Medical Group’s ambulance fleet.