Shooters from 1st Battalion The Highlanders have won a local Tri-Service Competition.
Cadet Lance Corporal Iona Gregor (16), Cadet Lance Corporal Ewan McGregor (15), Cadet Brodie Johnstone (13) and Cadet Darren Stuart (14) from the Battalion’s Fort William Detachment were entered as part of the detachment’s shooting team for the Trooper Stan Scott Challenge Trophy.
The Challenge Trophy is a Tri-Cadet Service shooting competition held between the Air Training Corps, Sea Cadets Corps and Army Cadet Force units in Fort William using the No. 8 rifles on a 15m tube range. The Trophy was gifted by Commando Veteran, Trooper Stan Scott two years ago, who has sadly since passed away.
This is the second year that the Detachment has won the trophy, with Cdt Stuart scoring the top grouping of 17mm, which is smaller than the diameter of a five pence coin.