All aboard the Portuguese Frigate

November 16, 2018

HRFCA were invited to attend an on-board reception during a ship visit to the Port of Dundee on 9th November.  

The evening took place on board the Portuguese Frigate NRP CORTE-REAL and was hosted by Commander of Standing NATO Maritime Group one, Commodore Anders Friis of the Royal Danish Navy.

The frigate was berthed in the Port of Dundee along with Belgian and Danish warships. The Norwegian ship was prevented from showing up as planned due to it being heavily damaged in a collision with a Maltese oil tanker off the coast of Norway.

Commodore Anders Friis thanked guests for coming aboard the ship and briefed them on the fleets travels thus far. He also explained that NATO has four standing maritime groups which are made up of ships from various nations, a demonstration of Allied solidarity. These vessels are permanently available to NATO to perform different tasks ranging from exercises to operations. They also serve as an on-call maritime force as a part of NATO’s Spearhead Force – the Very High Readiness Joint Task Force. Commodore Friis’ was sorry to be without their Norwegian counterpart but grateful all 137 crew members were evacuated and safe onshore.

Thanks to the officers and sailors for putting on such an informative and enjoyable visit, and for inviting HRFCA along.