Ambassador visits RAF Lossiemouth

August 23, 2016

RAF Air Cadets Ambassador Honorary Group Captain Carol Vorderman RAFVR(T) visited Cadets and staff at the Scotland and Northern Ireland (SNI) Regional Activity Centre (RAC) at RAF Lossiemouth. 

The 19 August visit coincided with the summer camp of Cadets from West Mercian Wing, which included 265 (Chetwynd) Squadron, 124 (Hereford City) Squadron, 233 (Pershore) Squadron and 187 (City of Worcester) Squadron.

Following a review of the camp Cadets and their drill competition, Group Captain Vorderman visited the SNI RAC where she met Squadron Leader Jim Hair RAFVR(T), deputy OC for Highland Wing, and the Wing Warrant Officer (ATC) Glenn Judge, before meeting the Highland Wing HQ permanent staff, Squadron Leader Joe McAlister RAFVR(T) Wing Executive Officer and Mrs Pam Latham-Scott, Office Manager.

She was then provided with a tour of the building before being introduced to Cadets from 423 (Elgin) Squadron by Squadron Leader Max Woolfson, whose Cadets demonstrated the flight simulator equipment and the IT suite.

Group Captain Vorderman then took time to chat to Cadets and staff before engaging in group photos.

Group Captain Vorderman was also visiting the base in order to participate as a passenger in a Typhoon flypast at the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo that evening.

Honorary Group Captain Carol Vorderman RAFVR(T) with Cadets from 423 (Elgin) Squadron.

Honorary Group Captain Carol Vorderman RAFVR(T) with Cadets from 423 (Elgin) Squadron.

 Honorary Group Captain Carol Vorderman RAFVR(T) with Cadets from 423 (Elgin) Squadron demonstrating the flight simulation equipment.

Honorary Group Captain Carol Vorderman RAFVR(T) with Cadets from 423 (Elgin) Squadron demonstrating the flight simulation equipment.

Squadron Leader Joe McAlister RAFVR(T) Wing Executive Officer, Honorary Group Captain Carol Vorderman RAFVR(T) and Mrs Pam Latham-Scott, Office Manager.

Squadron Leader Joe McAlister RAFVR(T) Wing Executive Officer, Honorary Group Captain Carol Vorderman RAFVR(T) and Mrs Pam Latham-Scott, Office Manager.

Wing Warrant Officer (ATC) Glenn Judge, Honorary Group Captain Carol Vorderman RAFVR(T) and Squadron Leader Jim Hair RAFVR(T) deputy OC for Highland Wing.

Wing Warrant Officer (ATC) Glenn Judge, Honorary Group Captain Carol Vorderman RAFVR(T) and Squadron Leader Jim Hair RAFVR(T) deputy OC for Highland Wing.