The great work of the Cadet Presentation Team headed up by Richard Pattison (pictured) was flagged up in The Orcadian newspaper. Article below.
Following the creation of a new Cadet Presentation team for Scotland, its team leader, Richard Pattison, recently visited Orkney to run a weekend event to help cadets from all services to develop and improve their presentation skills and abilities. Army Cadets from Orkney, Shetland and Caithness were joined by Orkney’s Sea Cadets for the event.
The new Training Team’s first job is to provide cadets with better presentation skills, the ability to work with a wide range of people from all backgrounds and of all abilities, and to help them develop as young people through the journey from teenage years to adulthood. The final outcome for the Training Team will be identifying those cadets who can act as spokespeople for the cadet services throughout Scotland.
They identified that there would be benefits in encouraging the young people to find their own voices, to give their own experiences of what the cadets go through, what those role-model adult volunteers have given them, and that is really what the project as a whole is about.
At the end of the weekend, all cadets stood up and gave presentations to an audience of cadets and adults.
Mr Pattison said: “I’ve been bowled over by what’s gone on over the weekend; it’s a real tribute to the cadets the way that they engage, and the way they’ve challenged themselves. And it’s been a fantastic visit from my point of view – great work, thoroughly great place to come and do the work, and everyone has made me feel very, very welcome.”
Although perhaps the final word should go to one of the cadet participants, Orcadian Cadet Leah Williamson: “What I liked about this weekend was meeting new friends and having fun, and being more confident and talking better in front of people, and being able to talk to new people for the first time.”