The newly-refurbished Cadet Training Centre at Boddam was officially opened on 27 August.
The occasion was marked by a day of celebrations at the site near Peterhead in Aberdeenshire.
The £1.6 million two-phase redevelopment was completed earlier this year with the building handed back by principal contractor Morrison Construction on April 21 to 2nd Battalion The Highlanders Army Cadet Force.
The first phase of the Highland RFCA Estates team’s development saw the creation of a Four-Tube Firing Range, Parade Square, and the old Shetland Accommodation Block being refurbished into an IT Suite and classroom space (named the Ken Masson Learning Suite). Phase 2 added a new drill hall and stores provision. Ken Masson was, for nearly 20 years, a Cadet Executive Officer with the Battalion.

Dignitaries, including Highland RFCA Chair Captain (Retd) Nick Dorman and Deputy Chief Executive Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Macnaughton, were welcomed to the site by Battalion Commandant Colonel Gordon Rae.
Col Rae then introduced Deputy-Lieutenant of Aberdeenshire, Rear Admiral Chris Hockley CBE DL, representing His Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant for Aberdeenshire, who unveiled a plaque outside the Ken Masson Learning Suite to declare the centre open.
The Deputy-Lieutenant said: “It is my pleasure on behalf of the Lord-Lieutenant and His Majesty The King to declare this facility open.”
A tour of the facilities followed before guests were treated to displays from all the cadet organisations present, and a demonstration of drill and a formal Battalion parade (image at top of page).
The Deputy-Lieutenant then presented the Kaylee McIntosh Trophy to Cadet Corporal Natalie Cartney, for her outstanding commitment and endeavour as a cadet.
Improvements at the facility will enable the more than 300 cadets and 80+ adult volunteers of the Battalion to train and learn in the best possible conditions.
The Battalion’s Cadets have already made good use of the facilities during Annual Camp and, in October, the Cadet Training Team (CTT) Scotland will be using the Ken Masson Learning Suite to deliver its next Senior Cadet Instructor Cadre (SCIC).