Cadets experience long arm of the law

April 3, 2018

Cadets from Dingwall Detachment of 1st Battalion the Highlanders spent an evening being budding investigators during a visit to Inverness Police Station. 

The Ross Company cadets visited the station on March 26 to learn more about policing in their local community.

The visit was organised as part of the ‘Cadet and the Community’ section of their cadet training syllabus, which aims to promote citizenship and develop better individuals in the future.

During the visit the cadets were given a tour of the station, where they were shown riot equipment with some cadets having the chance to wear it and see how heavy the shields are. The tour also included a visit to the cells, but thankfully all were allowed to leave!

The evening also saw the cadets try their investigative skills by gathering fingerprint ‘evidence’ from one another.

Dingwall cadets at Inverness Police Station with their tour guides for the evening, PCs Gregg MacDonald (left) and Craig MacIver.

Cdts Stuart and Irvine lifting fingerprints from bottles found at a ‘crime scene’.