The annual AFCA ceremony of Beating Retreat took place at Edinburgh Castle Esplanade on Saturday 29 April.
There were large numbers of invited guests plus cadets’ families and friends and many members of the public in attendance.
The Pipes and Drums and the Military Band of the Cadet Forces in Scotland performed a varied musical programme to a very high standard.
Among the music on offer, the crowd was wowed by All About That Bass by Meghan Trainor before enjoying traditional favourites Scotland the Brave and Highland Laddie.
The Salute was taken by Mr Brendan Dick, Chair of the Scottish Council for Development and Industry, Director BT Scotland, and Managing Director of BT Regions.
The event – masterminded by ACFA Scotland Secretary, Col Martin Passmore – was preceded by various displays put on by cadets for the public in Princes St Gardens. There were around 200 young people (including the Cadet Drill Display Team) involved.
The performance was followed by a reception, which allowed guests to meet some of the cadets who acted as stewards.
Guests were greeted by the Governor of the Castle, Maj Gen Mike Riddell-Webster.
Other speakers were Col Passmore who read the Inspirational Cadet citation for LCpl Megan Leigh-Fletcher; Mr Dick, who made the award to Megan, of Angus & Dundee Battalion ACF; and Col Robbie Gibson (CE LRFCA) who highlighted the achievements of the cadets and asked guests to continue to support them and their adult volunteers instructors.
Megan, who is now in remission after being diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma in September 2015, was recognised for her many achievements including starting Bags in Battle, a scheme which involves her providing goody bags for children when they go to hospital.
Megan said she hoped that eventually every child going into hospital in Dundee would be given a bag containing sweets, colouring books and pens, water, a comic and a toy. She said those things had made hospital visits easier for her when she was receiving chemotherapy.