Wing Commander Daniel Montgomery (pictured) stood down at the end of August as Contingent Commander of Robert Gordon’s College (RGC) Combined Cadet Force (CCF) after 26 years at the helm.
He established the RGC Royal Air Force section of the CCF in 1994, bringing RAF Cadets back to the College after a break of almost 50 years, the RGC Air Training Corps Squadron having disbanded in 1946.
After serving as RAF Section Commander for three years, with the assistance of Gordonian Flight Lieutenant Harvey Pole, he took command of the Contingent in 1997.
He continues to serve as a Company Director and Trustee of the CCF Association, which represents the interests of the 500 cadet units in schools across the UK.
He is also a member of the CCFA Grants Panel which allocates funds to underprivileged cadets. He has been active in the Wing Commander CCF’s Sounding Board at RAF Cranwell and is a member of the Highland Reserve Forces’ and Cadets’ Association (moving from the Eastern Area Committee to Northern). He has been on the Directing Staff of the annual Air Cadet Leadership Course at RAF Cranwell since 1996 and regularly accompanies cadets to military establishments throughout the UK and also Gibraltar and Cyprus.
He is also involved with SSAFA (the Armed Forces charity) and with the Aberdeen Animals in Warfare group, which commemorates the roles played by animals in conflict along with the suffering inflicted on them. He is heavily involved in ongoing work on the College Rolls of Honour and with visits to Gordonian War Graves throughout the UK and abroad through his work in RGC Archives and will continue to undertake occasional duties with the CCF Cadets.
He counts as his major achievements developing and maintaining contact with the wider Gordonian military family and watching several former RGC CCF Cadets progress to very senior roles in all branches of the Armed Forces. Two are members of the Royal Company of Archers and one is a member of the 2023 Red Arrows team.
He leaves the College’s 300 cadets, pipers and drummers in very safe hands under the leadership of the new Contingent Commander, Lieutenant Jason Sumner.