Highland RFCA held its Annual Association Meeting on Saturday 28th March 2015. Over 100 Association Members attended the meeting, which took place at Queen’s Barracks in Perth, and were treated to keynote addresses by General Sir Nick Carter, as current Chief of The General Staff the UK’s most senior soldier, who talked about the current strategic context for Britan’s defence, and by Mr Derek Penman, Her Majesty’s Inspector of Constabulary for Scotland, pictured above, who spoke with conviction on ‘Making Scotland the Best Place to Grow Up’. Other highlights of the day, the primary purpose of which was to ensure that the Association continues to operate within its formal Terms of Reference, included an outstanding Beating Retreat performed by the Pipes and Drums of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders Batallion of the Army Cadet Force, supported by Cadets from the Glasgow and Lanarkshire Battalion. Young people also featured prominently elsewhere in proceeedings by sharing with the audience their enthusiasm for their respective cadet organisations, and how they feel that they have gained from ‘the Cadet Experience’.