HRFCA Area Committee structure changing

August 18, 2017

Big changes are afoot for HRFCA’s Area Committee structure. 

After many years with Area Committees based in the North, North-East, East and South of its region, HRFCA’s Executive Board concluded on 10 August that the interests of the Reserve and Cadet units supported by the Association would best be served by realigning the membership into Northern, Eastern and Southern Area Committees.

The decision followed a great deal of discussion on how to take forward the Association’s work as efficiently as possible.

Other options considered were to maintain the existing status quo or to adopt a more radical approach by making a bold adjustment to form two large Area Committees. However, with a dearth of volunteers willing and able to take on the key appointments of Chair, Vice-Chair and Representative Members, the former was thought by the Board to be unsustainable, while the latter would impose further time and distance challenges for those members travelling from further afield while offering no convincing beneficial offsets. 

With the changes taking immediate effect, all Lord-Lieutenants whose Lieutenancies fall within the HRFCA area have been advised individually and Association members informed via email.

The North-Eastern Area Committee meeting planned for Thursday 5 October will now not take place. Former North-Eastern Area Committee members will be invited to either the Northern Area meeting due to take place on Tuesday 3 October or the Eastern Area Committee meeting scheduled for Thursday 12 October.

Other changes made necessary by the revised structure include the production of an updated HRFCA Handbook and adjustments to other publications and publicity material.

The map below shows the revised Area Committee boundaries, with Kincardineshire and the City of Aberdeen being incorporated into the Eastern Area and the balance of the previous North-Eastern Area being subsumed into the Northern Area.

HRFCA Area Committee Map.