An RAF Air Cadet and a Sea Cadet have been appointed as Lord-Lieutenant’s Cadets for Inverness.
The cadets received their awards from the Lord-Lieutenant for Inverness, Mr James Wotherspoon. They will serve as Lord-Lieutenant’s Cadets for one year.
Sergeant Elisabeth Davies, of 161 (1st Highland) Squadron Royal Air Force Air Cadets, and Leading Cadet Rebecca King, of Inverness Sea Cadets (No 194) TS BRITON, will be present at events Mr Wotherspoon attends in his capacity as Her Majesty The Queen’s representative for Inverness.
The presentation took place at 1st Battalion The Highlanders ACF Culloden Cadet Centre, where the Lord-Lieutenant was also presenting Certificates of Meritorious Service to two ACF Adult Volunteers.
● Picture show Sgt Davies (left) and LC King with the Lord-Lieutenant.