May 15, 2015

Seven probationers were welcomed into the Royal Air Force Air Cadets at 379 (County of Ross) Squadron based in Alness on 14 May.

The Squadron Padre, the Reverend Rob Jones, carried out the enrolment ceremony and welcomed the new cadets into the RAF Cadet family.

The formalities were overlooked by Pilot Officer David Anderson and Squadron Leader Liz McLachlan.

Pilot Officer Anderson RAFVR(T), said: “We often try to publicise what the Royal Air Force Air Cadet organisation can offer through talks to schools or displays at public events, but often potential cadets don’t realise the diverse range of activities open to members. A question often asked of these young people and something that appears on Air Cadet publicity material is: ‘What did YOU do last weekend?’ The answer to that may surprise many people.”

Air Training Corps is open to anyone aged 12 (from 2nd year academy students) to 17-years-old. So why join? Not only is it fun, you can also make new friends, learn unusual skills and take part in activities you can’t do at school. ATC is sponsored by the Royal Air Force, but you don’t need to join the RAF to be a cadet. However, it offers flying opportunities in RAF aircraft and visits to RAF bases. But being an Air Cadet won’t just help you if you want a military job – it will give you a head start whatever career path you choose!

Your nearest squadron is recruiting now and is based at ATC Hut, Unit 8F, Teaninich Industrial Estate, Alness, and meets twice a week on Tuesday and Thursday evenings between 7.30pm and 9.30pm.For more details contact Headquarters Highland Wing, Air Training Corps, RAF Lossiemouth, on 01343 817555.

Picture shows: back, left to right – Cdt M Williams, Cdt J Williams, Cdt Squire, Cdt Scott, Cdt Crosbie, Cdt Bell and Cdt Coetzee. Front, from left – Pilot Officer David Anderson RAFVR(T), Reverend Rob Jones and Squadron Leader Liz McLachlan RAFVR(T).