June 19, 2015

Medics from across Scotland gathered in a city park to test their nerve during Exercise Medical Stretch.

The 19 June 2015 event, organised by 205 Field Hospital and supported by Highland and Lowland RFCAs, was aimed at convincing NHS employers to the value of having staff members in the Reserve Forces.

Teams, including workers from NHS Grampian and NHS Western Isles, tackled a variety of stands at Queen’s Park in Glasgow. These included an impressive and intimidating zip line, paintball, stretcher run, climbing wall, fieldcraft and casualty treatment tents.

205 Commanding Officer Colonel Helen Singh said: “The concept of this event is sharing best practice between NHS Scotland and the Army Reserve Medical units.

“It is also to show the NHS managers what we can offer in terms of leadership, teamwork training and to show them what we put back into the NHS in terms of medical operational experience.”

Karen Wares, NHS Grampian Nurse Consultant for Infection Control, said: “The event was both great for teambuilding and great for networking. We had a great day out.

“We enjoyed it so much that we’ve invited the Reserves along to NHS Grampian’s Champion’s Challenge event and given them a free stand where they will be able to meet around 300 delegates.”

Erica Duffy, from the Western Isles, said: “The event’s great for team building and useful for being able to listen to detailed instruction. It was great fun and we particularly enjoyed the paintballing.”

The event was won by the Scottish Ambulance Service team.