New ACF hut installed at Mastrick

October 24, 2022

Highland RFCA’s new cadet hut has been successfully installed in Mastrick, Aberdeen.

The building was lifted into place by a crane in five sections on October 11.

The sections are manufactured off site and the building should be ready for occupation in approximately one month’s time. The modern, energy efficient design replaces the old Spooner huts that have passed the point of economical repair.

The building was designed to the specifications of the Army Cadet Force (ACF) and Highland RFCA by JAMstudio in Aberdeen and built and installed by Healthmatic Ltd.

JK Crane Hire in Aberdeen took care of the heavy lifting on the day.

It forms part of Highland RFCA’s £1.4 million programme of cadet building replacements and follows similar builds in Newport, Bo’ness and Banff.

Cadets from 2nd Battalion The Highlanders ACF will use the Mastrick facility.

Major Stuart Eddie, Cadet Executive Officer for 2nd Battalion The Highlanders, said: “It is great to see a fantastic new facility being provided for the Mastrick Detachment. This Detachment has always been strong in numbers and well supported by the Mastrick community, and this new building shows support from HRFCA to the youth in this area of Aberdeen. It will make an enormous difference for our Cadets already parading and for all those youngsters looking forward to joining us.”