Orkney volunteer marks 18 years

May 20, 2021

A dedicated adult volunteer from Orkney has been recognised for his long service to young people.

Major Andrew Barton (58), from 1st Battalion the Highlanders ACF, was presented with the first Bar of the Cadet Force Medal, which marks 18 years of service to the Cadet Force.

The Cadet Force Medal is awarded to all officers and uniformed Adult Instructors in recognition of long service of proved capacity in the Service Cadets. The medal is awarded after 12 years unbroken service, with a Bar awarded for every six years of further service.

Major Barton is currently the Medical Support Officer for the Battalion, given his many years as a paramedic with Orkney’s Ambulance Service. Over his years with the cadets he has held several roles, including the Commandant of Orkney’s Independent Cadet Battery prior to the cadet unit’s amalgamation into the Highlanders alongside Shetland Independent Cadet Battery as the Battalion’s Orkney & Shetland Battery where he was the unit’s first Battery Commander.

On top of his 18 years to cadets, Major Barton has further years of service with the Mountain Rescue services of the RAF (13 years), and the Territorial Army (three years). 

Major Barton was presented with his Bar by one of the Battalion’s Honorary Colonels Malcolm Macrae at Kirkwall’s Army Reserve Centre as part of an Adult Training Evening in preparation for the cadets returning to face-to-face training.

Major Bruce Durrand, Battery Commander of the Orkney & Shetland Battery (Lovat Scouts) ACF, said: “Myself and the other adult instructors are very happy to be able to be here to see Andy receive official recognition for his long, dedicated and conscientious service to not only the youth of Orkney, but also the youth of the Highlands and Islands.”

● Picture shows Major Barton (right) with the first bar to the Cadet Force Medal, alongside Honorary Colonel Macrae.