Ready for a challenge?

June 28, 2024

The Ulysses Trust provides support and funding to encourage challenging and adventurous activities by members of the Volunteer Reserve and Cadet Forces.

It welcomes applications from across the UK and is keen to give grants to Reserve units.

The Trust supports a wide range of activities in the UK and abroad including trekking, exploring, mountaineering, canoeing, sailing and diving.

The funding it provides supports essential activities to help Reservists develop the following skills:

  • Self-awareness, confidence and resilience.
  • Courage, respect, integrity and selflessness.
  • Teamwork and leadership.

Wider benefits include:

  • Improving unit recruitment, retention and morale.
  • Levelling up in society by making the opportunities available to all regardless of background.
  • Improving mental health and wellbeing.
  • Supporting equality, diversity and inclusion.

The Trust would like to encourage Reserve units to plan an expedition or challenging Adventure Training (AT). Joint service expeditions are also welcome.

It can support individual Reserves on Regular expeditions, and can support Reserves who are also Cadet Force Adult Volunteers (CFAVs) to gain AT qualifications that support Cadet Forces. It can also support weekend activities.

The Ulysses Trust has a team that can advise units and individuals of what it can and cannot support.

Find out more about The Ulysses Trust.

Ulysses Trust poster.