Smart Water Monitoring trial success in the Highlands

May 17, 2022

Highland RFCA is taking advantage of IoT (Internet of Things) technology to prove compliance and deliver economic, environmental and cost efficiencies.  

HRFCA implemented the intelligent water monitoring solution to prove and maintain compliance with health and safety regulations relating to water safety and preventing the growth of bacteria. Utilising North’s innovative IoT Accelerator packs and IoT Scotland, the Scottish Government-backed national IoT network, HRFCA now has access to real-time intelligent water monitoring data. 

IoT devices have been used in two Army Reserve Centres in Inverness (main image) and Elgin, along with an office nearby, providing insights into areas where action is needed to improve water compliance. To safeguard the health and wellbeing of users and visitors to Reserve Centres, eliminating legionella risks was crucial. 

The IoT system has also enabled HRFCA to determine when to empty and drain showers that aren’t being used and other irregularly used water systems, in order to prevent growth of legionella and other bacteria. The data generated from the sensors also shows how to use water systems better and improve operational efficiencies.

Instead of relying on scheduled water monitoring reports from contractors, which capture a snapshot of water temperatures at that moment in time, HRFCA can now see more accurate data, that tracks trends across a longer period of time. Carbon emissions are also reduced due to fewer miles and time required for contractors to travel between sites to monitor water conditions, helping the Ministry of Defence reach its carbon emission reduction targets, alongside preventing the associated environmental impacts. 

HRFCA Estates Officer, Bev Parkinson, said: “Our IoT trial has been running for three months and we are already reaping the benefits of smart water monitoring, which has enabled us to capture and report data in real-time to prove our compliance with water safety legislation. The technology has not only changed the way we work, but will give us early sight of potential water quality issues.”