The new UK-wide strategy to support armed forces Veterans has been published.
The ‘Strategy for our Veterans’ document is endorsed by the UK, Scottish and Welsh Governments.
It looks ahead to the next ten years and sets out the intent for delivery of public services to Veterans across the UK. Delivery will look different in each part of the country, however, in signing up to this Strategy, all parts of the UK are committed to achieving a shared Vision and Principles and the best outcomes for our Veterans.
The consultations that will follow this publication will use the best ideas to establish how to make this happen. By 2028, the aim is that every Veteran feels even more valued, supported and empowered and, in accordance with the Armed Forces Covenant, will never be disadvantaged as a result of their service.
To read the strategy click HERE.
A second recent publication on Veterans is ‘Veterans Work: Moving On’, commissioned by Deloitte, the Officers’ Association and Forces in Mind Trust, and supported in its research by Dr Dennis Obidegwu; accessible HERE.
The previous study report, ‘Veterans Work’, published in 2016, highlighted ‘the wealth of potential skills in the ex-service personnel talent pool and the commercial benefits to the organisations who hire them’. It also pinpointed the challenges faced by the UK veterans entering civilian employment.
The aim of this new study is to examine the factors that motivate veterans when making the transition from the military to the civilian job market, aiming to alert ‘Corporate UK’ to these factors, so that they can do more in terms of support and recruitment.
Defence Relationship Management Director of Engagement Stephen Crookbain has flagged up the fact that in reporting that veterans enjoy a higher employment rate than the UK average the study helps to challenge the ‘damaging narratives’ that exist around this issue, and offers press coverage e.g. here, as being more powerful than the report itself.