The Commanding Officer of Clydebank Sea Cadets has received the organisation’s top honour.
Lieutenant (SCC) Nadine Daly RNR was presented with the Captain Roddie Casement Sword at her Unit (No 87) TS Queen Elizabeth on 21 April by Captain Sea Cadets, Captain Neil Downing RD RN (pictured above).
The honour recognises her as the top Commanding Officer in the UK in relation to upholding Sea Cadet aims, the principal one being to help a child to a better future.
Guests had earlier been welcomed to the Unit by Clydebank Chair, Captain Peter Adams RN (Retired) and watched a touching video of 92-year-old Commander Michael Casement, son of Roddie, explaining the background to the sword and congratulating Nadine.
Highland RFCA Chief Executive Brigadier (Retired) Mark Dodson MBE DL was in attendance along with a number of other dignitaries including: the Lord-Lieutenant of Dunbartonshire Jill Young MBE, MSPs Pam Gosal and Marie McNair, Captain Sea Cadets Captain Neil Downing RD RN, Secretary Royal Naval Association Glasgow Brian Mackenzie, Clyde North District Officer Lieutenant Commander (SCC) Frank Boyd RNR, Submarine Qualification Instructor Chief Petty Officer Dave O’Neill, and former Clydebank Commanding Officer Rena O’Neill.
Lieutenant Daly currently works for YouthLink Scotland as a Development Officer with the No Knives Better Lives project. Prior to this she was a primary school teacher and a graduate of Stirling University. She has been a Sea Cadet volunteer for almost nine years and, as a Yoker native, had been a cadet at Clydebank Sea Cadets. Since taking command of Clydebank in 2020, the Unit has gone from strength to strength and is amongst the top-performing Units in the UK with a full complement of cadet numbers, a waiting list and children who are valued and have optimism for the future. She is a worthy recipient of the Sea Cadets’ top honour.
As well as the presentation ceremony and speeches, guests were given a tour of the Unit and cadet stances.
■ Lieutenant Daly’s honour follows on from the 1 April announcement that TS Queen Elizabeth Able Cadet Oliver Ramsey had been appointed as the Lord-Lieutenant’s Cadet for Dunbartonshire.
Able Cadet Ramsey will assist the Lord-Lieutenant at various events in the area where she acts as the personal representative of HM the King.
This honour not only recognises Able Cadet Ramsey’s outstanding qualities, but also signifies the trust and confidence placed in him to uphold the dignity and values associated with the Royal representation.
BZ to both Lieutenant Daly and Able Cadet Ramsey!