Her Majesty The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee was celebrated in style at the weekend with a Cadet Tri-Service parade at Gordon Barracks in Aberdeen.
The event on June 11 got under way with Sea, Army, RAF and UOTC cadets forming ceremonial divisions on the parade square.

They were inspected by dignitaries including Aberdeen Lord Provost Mr David Cameron, HRFCA Chief Executive Brigadier Mark Dodson, and Group Captain Jim Leggat, Regional Commandant Air Cadets Scotland and Northern Ireland.
The Lord Provost then addressed the cadets, guest and dignitaries before presenting awards to a cadet each from the Sea Cadets and the RAF Air Cadets. Mr Cameron then took the salute as the cadets marched off the parade square.

Guests were then treated to a buffet lunch and the opportunity to enjoy a range of static displays from each branch of the cadets.
An Army Cadet Force piping demonstration followed, before RAF Air Cadets gave a display of first aid. The event was rounded off by Fraserburgh Sea Cadets who gave a piping display, demonstrating the varied whistle signals a ship’s company has to understand.

Organisation of the parade was led by Chief Petty Officer Mark Cameron, Assistant Area Staff Officer Ceremonial, Sea Cadets North Scotland.
Many thanks to him and his team for what proved to be a highly-enjoyable event.