Three Estates projects in the Western Isles are among those recently completed as part of the ongoing work to improve the vast HRFCA Estate.
Buildings that saw improvements in 2022 include the Benbecula ACF hut, the Daliburgh ACF hut and changing facilities at the Army Reserve Centre in Stornoway.
The refurbishment project at Benbecula saw £30,000 spent upgrading internal and external paintwork, floor coverings, soffits/fascias, gutters and rainwater goods, and internal and external lighting. The work was completed in October 2022.

The Daliburgh ACF hut project was completed in May 2022 and cost £46,000. Improvements were made to internal and external painting, floor coverings, soffits/fascias, gutters and rainwater goods, and internal and external lighting. Repairs to the surface of the access road were also carried out.
Work on both the ACF huts was carried out by Benbecula contractor D. Macdonald.

£24,000 was spent on refurbishing the changing room at the Army Reserve Centre in Stornoway.
The project included the removal of existing cubicles, floor tiles and services. Creation of four new shower cubicles with shower trays and waterproof wall cladding, waste and water piping to the new showers, installation of a non-slip floor covering, alterations to ducting to accommodate new shower cubicle ventilation, upgrade to lighting to new LED units, and decoration to walls, ceiling and wooden surfaces.
Works on the Army Reserve Centre were carried out by FES Stornoway in May 2022.

Each of these projects ensures that Cadets, Cadet Force Adult Volunteers, and Reservists are provided with fit for purpose buildings in which to train and learn.
● HRFCA is the estate manager for the Reserve and Cadet estate, keeping the estate compliant and modernising or rebuilding it when funded by MOD. Each year it also reinvests rate rebate reclaimed on cadet properties in improving the Cadet estate. The Estates head office in Dundee is supported by area offices in Inverness, Aberdeen and Dumbarton.
For more information contact Head of Estates Fraser Kennedy by email at: [email protected]