University Royal Naval Units (URNU), under the command of Britannia Royal Naval College (BRNC), exist to give university students a broader understanding of Royal Navy life. They offer the chance to gain transferable skills, from public speaking to organisation, by exposing Officer Cadets to leadership and management opportunities.
In the Highland RFCA-area, URNU East Scotland trains a range of undergraduates from universities across the Edinburgh and Tayside region. Develop your leadership skills by taking part in training at sea, adventurous training, sports and social events.
The Universities Officers’ Training Corps (UOTC) is a unique place where students from all walks of life thrive, having exciting and rewarding experiences and make friends for life. As a member of the UOTC you will have amazing adventures, develop transferable skills, sporting opportunties and a great social life.
You can do all of this alongside your studies, with the added bonus of being paid!
As a member of the UOTC you have no commitment to a career in the Army after university.
Formed in 1941, the University Air Squadron’s role is to provide flying training to high calibre university undergraduates who might join the RAF or the Royal Auxiliary Air Force.
The 14 University Air Squadrons (UAS) across the country offer undergraduates excellent flying training and the chance to experience RAF life in addition to a wide variety sports, adventure training and social activities.
The East of Scotland Universities Air Squadron (ESUAS) is based at Leuchars, Fife, and recruits from nine academic institutions in eastern Scotland: Edinburgh, Heriot-Watt, Napier, Queen Margaret, Robert Gordon, Aberdeen, St Andrews, Dundee, and Abertay.